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Kisoro beautiful scenery in Uganda

Uganda: the pearl of Africa

Uganda is referred to as the pearl of Africa due to its beautiful wildlife scenery and being a landlocked country in east-central Africa. It officially obtained its independence on October 9, 1962; however, it’s populated by large, hospitable ethnic groups from different regions.

Uganda as a country embraces different eco-systems, from the tall volcanic mountains of the eastern and western frontiers to the densely forested swamps of the Albert Nile and the rain forests of the country’s central plateau; furthermore, it’s well known for its largest lake in East Africa and the source of the Nile, which draws many tourists around the globe.

The three main regions are: Northern, where tourists explore the Kidepo Valley National Park, Murchison Falls National Park; Eastern: Sipi Falls, Mountain Elgon National Park, Source of the Nile, Itanda Falls, Victora Nile, Nyero Rock paintings; and Western: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Kibale Forest National Park, Lake Bunyonyi, Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Semuliki National Park.

Simba African Expeditions


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